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Parenting Paused

Nov 29, 2021

Do you ever hear yourself saying to your kids, “You need to…..”
Maybe, it's cleaning their room, or eating their vegetables….homework anyone? 
Of course, you need your child to do what they are supposed to do, right? And yet, when you refuse to take responsibility for it being your need, not your child's you...

Nov 22, 2021

Do you believe you know what is best for your child?

I know, I sure did. The parenting paradigm most of us were exposed to carries this view. The limitation of this view is that we find ourselves projecting onto our children the experiences we had which parallel theirs.

Tune into this episode to hear more about healthy...

Nov 15, 2021

In conscious parenting, the message we often hear is - connect, connect, connect.

And yet, rarely do we hear about the importance of healthy separation in our relationships with our children.

Tune into this episode to get some support with healthy separation in your parenting.

Nov 8, 2021

Check out some of Purejoy's FREE offerings!


SafeSeat Practice- FREE 5-day video course delivered to your email.

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Nov 1, 2021

Do you experience happiness emanating from inside and spreading out or coming from the outside and spreading in?

Most of us were trained to attach happiness to an external event. 

Tune into this week's episode to hear more about happiness as an internal experience.