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Parenting Paused

Dec 27, 2021

Feelings are a part of everyday life for children.

They have a wide range of feelings and emotions that they experience, from big feelings to small ones.

Have you practiced not taking them personally? 

Tune into this episode to hear more about how to be with all the big feelings!

Dec 20, 2021

We came into the world helpless and totally dependent on our caregivers to attend to our young needs. Each time we reached out our precious young arms we were met with either a tender loving smile and our vulnerable needs were met or our caregiver turned away claiming we were too demanding and taught us to take care...

Dec 14, 2021

The holiday season is now in full swing. The decorations, the shopping, the family gatherings, and celebrations. It’s a wonderful time of year! But it can also be stressful, especially visiting family. 
Choosing to parent your children differently than how you were parented can be a stress point when going home for...

Dec 6, 2021

If reading this I KNOW you are seeking to create an environment for your children to feel loved and supported in living into their brilliance.
We have a strong desire to offer them unconditional love and an environment different than what we grew up in and yet at the same time question our parenting since it looks so...

Nov 29, 2021

Do you ever hear yourself saying to your kids, “You need to…..”
Maybe, it's cleaning their room, or eating their vegetables….homework anyone? 
Of course, you need your child to do what they are supposed to do, right? And yet, when you refuse to take responsibility for it being your need, not your child's you...